Bold Blind Beauty On A.I.R.

Embrace Your Boldness: Messages of Resilience & Authenticity for 2024

Bold Blind Beauty Season 4 Episode 1

Episode title and number:
Embrace Your Boldness: Messages of Resilience & Authenticity for 2024. 4-#1

Summary of the show:

The hosts of 'Bold Blind Beauty On A.I.R.'— Stephanae McCoy, Dana Hinnant, Nasreen Bhutta, and Sylvia Stinson-Perez; welcome listeners to a special New Year episode. They reflect on the past year's difficulties and share their hopes for 2024. Each co-host offers empowering messages emphasizing the importance of celebrating individual achievements, advocating for disability rights, living an authentic life, and recognizing inherent self-worth despite any challenges. They speak about their aspirations for the year ahead for the 'Bold Blind Beauty' platform and emphasize the mission of advocating for A.I.R. (Access, Inclusion, and Representation).

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Bullet points of key topics & timestamps:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:23 Reflections on the Past Year and Future Aspirations
01:26 Personal Empowerment Messages: Nasreen's Message
02:03 Personal Empowerment Messages: Stephanae's Message
04:35 Personal Empowerment Messages: Dana's Message
04:57 Personal Empowerment Messages: Sylvia's Message
07:16 Closing Remarks and Call to Action

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Music Credit: "Ambient Uplifting Harmonic Happy" By Panda-x-music

Thanks for listening!❤️


Happy New Year! Welcome back to another edition of Bold Blind Beauty On A.I.R. the show that's clearing the air for more A.I.R.(Access, Inclusion, and Representation). My name is Stephanae McCoy and with me are my co-hosts,


I'm Dana Hinnant.


I'm Nasreen Bhutta.


And this is Sylvia Stinson- Perez.


The arrival of the new year offers a chance to ponder the past and set our sights on the future. Reflecting on conversations about 2023, many of us found it to be a challenging year. Yet as 2024 approached, a sense of new hope and excitement emerged on the horizon. I foresee tremendous opportunities for Bold Blind Beauty as we step boldly into unchartered territories. Alongside our focus on content creation, we aim to rally support from our community. While I relish the creative process, it's essential to acknowledge the cost involved in utilizing tools that bring my ideas to life. In the coming year, I envision television features, meaningful partnerships and collaborations that will elevate Bold Blind Beauty to new heights. With this vision in mind, my podcast co-hosts and I are thrilled to share personal messages of empowerment with you.


Hi, I'm Nasreen. Whether 2023 was your best or your worst year of your life or somewhere in between, I want to empower you to focus on what you have accomplished rather than what went wrong or how far you still have to go. Close your eyes to old ends, and open your heart to new beginnings. Embrace 2024 with things that have never been. Wishing you all the joy and fresh beginnings in 2024.


This is Steph. My message for 2024 centers around advocacy. Advocating for disability rights can be brutal and thankless, and I believe the most impactful form of advocacy often occurs unintentionally. What I'm trying to say is that simply living our lives to the fullest holds more power than any deliberate action, regardless of others perceptions. At times it's challenging navigating the world as a blind individual due to preconceived notions about blindness. However, a recent experience at my aunt's Celebration of Life completely empowered me thanks in part to my glam cane, (a dazzled white cane). As my brother and I were called to this stage, I prowdly ascended the steps with my cane in hand. When it was my turn at the microphone, I confidently address the audience. Exiting the service with my head held high and the cane in my right hand, I strode confidently down the aisle alongside my family. Standing in the receiving line afterward was a remarkable moment as each person greeted me they identified themselves, demonstrating an acknowledgement beyond my blindness. By boldly embracing that moment, I expressed to everyone in the church that I am more than my blindness or disability. I am defined by my courage to show up unapologetically. As advocates, we don't need to tackle every single issue that affects us as individuals with disabilities. And one of my favorite quotes, and it's one that I'm very fond of saying all the time, particularly around advocacy, is by Jackie Joyner Kersee, and it goes like this. If I stop to kick every barking dog, I am not going to get to where I'm going. The quote is a poignant reminder while every issue deserves attention, sometimes our greatest advocacy lies in forging ahead despite the challenges. As we step into this new year, let's continue to champion authenticity, embracing every aspect of ourselves and paving the way for a more inclusive world by merely being our unapologetic selves. Here's to a year of resilience, authenticity, and unwavering courage. Happy New Year, everyone!


This is Dana. Discover your purpose. Whether it be for your life, for the purpose for this year, walk in it, work on it and align yourself with people that can get you there. Happy new year.


Hi everyone. This is Sylvia with my message for Bold Blind Beauty for 2024. In a world that often measure success by conventional standards, it's crucial to recognize the intrinsic worth in each of us, no matter the challenges we face. It's easy to be or feel defined by our limitations, but today I encourage and challenge you to embrace the remarkable strength that resides within each of us. Helen Keller once said, "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." These words emphasize the essence of resilience, reminding us that adversity is not the end of our story. But rather a chapter that propels us towards greater heights. Living authentically means acknowledging our unique journey. Our disability does not define us rather, it becomes a testament to our strength and tenacity as we navigate a world that may not always understand the challenges that each of us faces. Remember. Our authenticity is our superpower. Our aspirations are valid and our journey is an inspiration to others facing similar struggles. So stand tall, recognize your worth, and live authentically this year as you pursue your dreams. We are not defined by what holds us back rather, we are defined by how we rise above it. Embrace your authenticity, pursue your dreams, and let the world witness the extraordinary person that is you. Go live a bold and beautiful life in 2024.


Thanks for tuning in to Bold Blind Beauty On A.I.R. today! We hope this episode has left you inspired and empowered. Remember, our journey continues beyond this podcast. Don't miss out on future episodes—hit that subscribe button and stay up to date on all of our latest discussions. Also, join our vibrant community on Instagram for behind the scenes content, stories, and doses of motivation. Your support means the world to us as we strive to amplify the diverse voices and stories. Together, let's keep advocating for Access, Inclusion, and Representation. Until next time, stay bold and beautiful!

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